Compairing the LEEDuser sample ESCplan with the SWPPP sample on the EPA website ( I noticed a great discrepancy with regards to the outline.
Compared to the EPA documents the LEEDuser template more looks like a lette of intention.
Could you please let me know which document template is to be used for the final submittal of this prerequisite?
NB: the project is located in China
thank you very much in advance
Shannon Gray
ConsultantYRG sustainability
228 thumbs up
March 31, 2010 - 3:57 pm
Yes you are correct, the SWPPP plan and the LEED ESC plan are two very different documents with different intents. The SWPPP provides a well defined way to stop erosion and sedimentation. Generally, large projects are
required to comply with the SWPPP for state and federal regulation and the ESC plan is an additional part of the plan that is specific to the LEED requirements, and is required for all project regardless of size. The first thing your project needs to do is verify that you are meeting the requirements of the EPA's Construction General Permit (CGP). Or that the China standards are as strong as the EPA standards. Most projects in the US meet these criteria and just pull out the pertinent information to include in the ESC plan for LEED purposes. If your project is not meeting the CGP requirements with standard practice in China, then you will have to write a more involved plan that complies with the CGP and verify that it includes the prevention of topsoil loss, sedimentation in receiving streams, and of air pollution by particulate matter, per the LEED requirements.
So, for LEED you will need to verify that your project meets the same standards as the EPA's CGP and include an ESC plan (the template provided on LEEDuser is perfect for LEED purposes).
Hope that clears things up.