I recently recieved a review comment asking to expand the narritive of EAc1.3 Opt. 1 to include "description of the potential savings" as requested on the credit template. I am attempting only the 5 points for appropriate zoning (part 2 of option 1).
How in depth does this potential savings description need to be? Does it need to include the results of an energy model? Are there other forms I should upload?
Paul Conrad
Energy EngineerCLEAResult Consulting
346 thumbs up
October 19, 2010 - 10:38 am
It seems very strange for a reviewer to ask you for a "description of potential savings" on a prescriptive project. Was it directed at a specific aspect of your option 1 template?
Without having very many details of your project, I would recommend providing a narrative describing how the prescriptive actions you've take will save energy over a minimum compliant ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G system, but I would not make specific calculations or build an energy model, as that is beyond the scope of Option 1, which I would re-iterate politely in the narrative.
Jacob Goodman
Energy EngineerL&S Engineering
8 thumbs up
October 19, 2010 - 11:01 am
Thanks for the responce. The coment was directed at the narritive section of the template that says:
"Describe the HVAC system serving the tenant space as well as the building-level system. Explain how the zones were determined, the control logic, and the potential energy savings"
The reviewer said simply:
Please provide a narrative description of the potential savings that are achievable with the system design.
The reviewer also mentioned that I had fulfilled the requirements of the rest of the narritive. I think you are right about a short paragraph without calculations.
Paul Conrad
Energy EngineerCLEAResult Consulting
346 thumbs up
October 19, 2010 - 11:02 am
Yeah I think that'll be sufficient! Good luck!
Erin Adkins
Executive DirectorEmpirical Energy Solutions
29 thumbs up
September 12, 2011 - 3:28 pm
That must be a standard cut and paste comment, because I have the same exact words on my review, also taking the prescriptive route. I decided they weren't looking for dollars or kwh saved, but just a better description of how I am controlling the system to minimize unnecessary energy use. (eg. this is my demand control ventilation strategy and I expect it to save energy because it reduces the ventilation load at the equipment serving spaces with transient occupant loads.) I guess I will find out soon enough if that was what they were looking for.