
I'm working on a lab/office building (3800 sq meters, 1 office floor and 2 lab floors). The building will be used only by the company that owns it, the lab and offices won't be publicly accessible. I could use help on three questions about this credit:

1. I'm not sure how to select the space building use to calculate the base ratio for parking spaces since Table 1 on the LEED rference guie (pages 115-117) presents the ratio only for office building, not laboratory.

2. How should I estimate the parking demand mentioned on the sted by sted guidance item 4 (page 114) and what should I use that estimation for? I have found the COMMON TRIP GENERATION RATES (PM Peak Hour) (Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition), and it states that for a single tenant office building the rate is 1.74 squared feet gross floor area.

3. The building has an undergroud parking and also ground level outdoor parking spaces. The total amount of parking spaces must be the sum from both underground and ground parking, correct?

I thank you in advance for your attention!