Hi, i went though all the comments on this forum and cannot really find a clear answer to the question i have when i read the sentence: "any individual energy end uses that represent 10% or more of the total annual consumption of the building". The wording "individual" is not quite clear to me. There are two ways to read this (given examples):
1.) The overall lighting end use energy consumption is more than 10% of the total annual consumption of the building, hence i have to sub-meter all lighting in the whole building and sum it up.
2.) There is one specific/ individual lighting armature which uses more than 10% of the total annual consumption of the building, hence i have to submeter this one lighting armature. I realize that this is an unrealistic example since one lighting armature will never use more than 10% of the total annual consumption of the building (unless it is Yoko Onos Imagine Peace Tower).