I have a 6 floors/2000 m² nonresidential building, and I am not sure about the system it should be. Area or number of floors is more relevant when choosing a system? It could be system 2 or 6 if considering the area, but it would be system 8 if considering its 6 floors, what looks non sense to me!
Another question, do underfloor and technical floors count?
Thank you for your help!
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
February 18, 2013 - 9:53 am
It cannot be system 2 because that is residential only. If more than 5 floors it is a system 8. Neither area or number of floors is more relevant that the other. Read each statement under building type in Table G3.1.1A and apply the one that fits your project. For a six story building the only statement that applies is the one on the bottom - "nonresidental and more than 5 floors".
Underfloor air systems do not count. A technical floor would likely count.