Hi to All Experts,
some opertaive clarifications will be really appreciate: pursuing the credit through option 2
1. Do I have to select for the whole building the worst case form 9AM and 3PM, or do I have to select the worst case for each space (so that for some room I pick 9AM simulation results and for other the 3PM simulation results, that is what gives me romm-by-room the lower value of %A)?
2. Giving a literaly interpretation to record the areas that are daylit (have illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3,000 lux for both 9 A.M. and 3 P.M.) (reference guide, step-by-step guidance, option 2, step 3, 1st bullet point), should I take the green area form the schematic linked image, that is the intersection between grid points that have illuminance levels in 300-3000 lux thresholds at 9AM and grid points that have illuminance levels in 300-3000 lux thresholds at 3PM, that is room area daylit both on at 9AM and 3PM? This a more severe interpretation but may underline the concept that a desk station is not moving during the day; moreover it seems to me the literaly meaning of areas daylit bith 9AM and 3PM.
Thanks in advance
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
246 thumbs up
November 30, 2020 - 10:18 pm
Hi Alessandro,
Best regards.
Ale g
building engineer2 thumbs up
December 1, 2020 - 4:37 am
Afogreen Build,
thank you for your reply, but you do not atrget my questions.
1. Do I need to take (= compare to threshold to get credit points) for all regularly occupied spaces 9AM or 3PM (whichever is lower, assessed at building level, the same point-in-time for all building) , or do I need to pick for each regularly occupied space 9AM or 3PM (whichever is lower, assessed space-by-space, that is some space can have lower values at 9AM and some other space can have lower value at 3PM, so that the result can be a mix between the 2 point-in-time simulations) ?
2. Moreover (and it would be first of all), should I take thw worst case scenario between 9AM or 3PM (for the entire building as a whole, or selecting the worst case between the 2 point-in-time for every single space, this dependent on the answer to 1. ) (this should be YELLOW line in very simple example I've linked), OR should I use points of the grid calculation area that recieves illuminace 300-3000 lux for BOTH 3AM and 9PM (GREEN line in the linked example)? This is more restrictive (mathematical concept of intersection between two sets VS minimum of two sets -minimum globally or minimum locally, this points again to question 1.-) , but it is what "both" does mean to me .
The issue is that many software tools seems to intend MINIMUM rather the INTERSECTION, (intersection is my interpretation, as far I understand what is written in the reference guide)
I would like to know the authentic interpretation to this requirement
Jean Marais
b.i.g. Bechtold DesignBuilder Expert832 thumbs up
December 1, 2020 - 10:17 am
Each space is evaluated. If the space meets the requirements, then you count all its area to the total area that conforms. It the space fails the requirements, then you discount all of its area. Does that make sense? From what I remember, you must take the worst case between the 9am and 3pm simulations for each space tested against the requirements.
Ale g
building engineer2 thumbs up
April 2, 2021 - 6:48 am
I had reponse to an inquiry by USGBC. The right interpretation is the second one, as I tought, so INTERSECTION and not MINIMUM.
FAQ section of this credit should be revised in the answer to question "If I’m pursuing Option 2 or 3, can I average the compliant square footage between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for a space and use the average as the compliant square footage?"
That answer is misleading towards the authentic credit requirement
Jean Marais
b.i.g. Bechtold DesignBuilder Expert832 thumbs up
April 6, 2021 - 9:35 am
Hi Ale g, could you please post or link the response?
Ale g
building engineer2 thumbs up
May 6, 2021 - 11:05 am
I got the green light to share drectly excerpts from our email conversation.
My original inquiry to USGBC:
Here the reply by the expert: