Dear all
We're working in the energetic simulation for the credit EA p 2 in LEED NC 2009 in a Data Center building. To that end, we're developing a model based on Appendix G "Performance Rating Method" of ASHRAE 90.1 2007.

For the "Proposed Building Performance" the efficiency for electric equipment is real efficiency. But there's no indication in ASHRAE 90.1 2007 for the efficiency in electric equipment for the "Baseline Building Performance" for data centers (we have troubles for UPS and computer servers).
In Energy Star we've found two documents indicating the efficiency required for UPS´s and computer servers. These documents are: computer servers (Energy Star Program Requirements for Computer Servers Draft 1 Version 2.0) and UPS´s (Energy Star Program Requirements Product Specifications for Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS's) Eligibility Criteria Draft 3 Version 1.0).

My question is: Can we use the efficiency for UPS´s and computer servers indicated in these documents for baseline simulation? If not, what is the efficiency for UPS´s and computer servers we should use in the baseline simulation for the data center?

Thanks a lot for your help