My project has decided not to pursue any source separation and will only use commingled waste. They will of course forgo the credit. But I am confused about how to structure the plan to talk about separate waste streams when the intent is to commingle everything. Do you simply identify five waste streams and your guesstimate about how much each will contribute to the total waste, indicate no ADC or Hazardous Waste will be included, and then say you're going to commingle?
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Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
247 thumbs up
September 21, 2020 - 12:13 pm
Dear Michelle,
The project needs to have at least five materials targetted for diversion.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
September 21, 2020 - 12:42 pm
Thanks for the response. All the materials are targeted for diversion, but they will all be commingled in the implementation. So none of them will be source separated on site. It just seems counter intuitive to talk about them in the plan as if they are separate waste streams when they will all leave the site as one commingled waste stream. I guess it's no different than plans of the past, except we will be adding the supposed percentages of total waste to five of the materials.
Nadia Bini
Sustainability CoordinatorMSDL Architectes
3 thumbs up
October 27, 2023 - 6:01 pm
Hello Michelle,
have you received any guidance on your question?
We are also working on a project that is pursuing the prerequisite but foregoing the credit. Do you have any tips or advice on what you presented in your contractual documents to Contractor? Did you indeed simply require the identification of a minimum of 5 waste streams for diversion? Were visual inspections of estimated diversion rates sufficient for prerequisite submital?
Thank you
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
October 30, 2023 - 12:34 pm
Hi Nadia,
I have not yet submitted the project so I don't have a formal response. We did prepare a plan that identifies the 5 waste streams and their estimated percentage of the total. Visual inspections are never sufficient for LEED. You will still need to use the facility diversion rate to establish the commingled diversion rate you use. The Prereq simply requires you to upload the plan and record the total tonnage and total diversion. The issue of waste streams is only reflected in the plan not the implementation at the Prereq level at least as far as documentation is concerned.