We are working on a CS v2009 project and we are pursuing the credit SSc9 "Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines". I assume future tenant will be asked to register under the v4 or v4.1 program. Is there a document to compare the credits achieve in v2009 that will transfer as base building credits earned because they a building in a LEED v2009 certified building?
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March 10, 2019 - 9:20 pm
Hi Bill,
I am not aware of any docs that spell out the crossovers between CS and CI, especially between different versions. I've had to make my own lists in the past.
I will point out that a CI project in v4 or 4.1 will have few prereq's / credits that are earnable based solely on the base building's achievements. A few exceptions would be in the Location & Transportation category, and possibly the EQ prereq for ETS. A lot of the v4 updates have just enough differences that even with shared documentation between the base building and tenant, it will still require individual tweaking for the CI documentation and requirements needing to be met.