My project is currently under Design Review for CS 2009, Design Reviewer has not been assigned yet so I cannot direct message directly to the Reviewer at the moment.
General Contractor advises Architect that Owner will get larger savings if we go with another RTU manufacturer than the one we originally specificed. If we do this, we will receive 4 more LEED points. Mechanical Engineer will need to redesign model and revise computations.
How and when can I submit a design credit change if it is currently under Design Review?
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
November 11, 2010 - 5:08 pm
You can try to contact GBCI. Not sure if they will let you change design submission now or not but you can ask. Perhaps you could defer the credit until the construction review.
You could also make the change after you get the preliminary review comments. If you do make sure you include a narrative describing the change and its effect on the modeling results.
I think those are your options.