We are having lots of issues using the IDC Form that LEED provides, i.e., form not saving, formulas not working. Has anyone ever mimicked the IDC spreadsheet and created their own to upload to MRc4?
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
November 24, 2012 - 7:24 pm
Sean, I have heard of people doing this, but I've been asking around for confirmation that it is readily accepted by GBCI... anyone?
Michele Helou
PrincipalSage Design & Consulting
72 thumbs up
March 3, 2013 - 12:03 pm
I have had my own form for MR credits accepted in previous projects. However, last month, a review for a LEED CI project came back with the following comment for each MR credit:
'The LEED Materials and Resource Calculator has not been provided as required. Note that this calculator may be downloaded from the Credit Resources tab of this credit'
So, I today I planned to translate my entire excel spreadsheet over - line by line to their format. But the IDC June 2012 is difficult to work with - you need to know the totals before you start, there are hidden columns for subtotals that is not standard excel formatting, and formulas are not secure, so it's very easy to overwrite a cell accidentally without knowing. I also don't get 'sustainable materials' and 'total materials' - if this is supposed to be a check - it's silly - the only way you know 'total materials' is because you've entered everything as 'sustainable materials'. Unless you've used the default 45% - which in LEED CI - you cannot do.
Nonetheless, it seems to me that reviewers have a difference of opinion as to whether the official IDC Materials & Resources Calculator is required and this is causing a lot of headache and busy work - twice. Can LEEDUser get an official ruling - and can reviewers stick to it ?
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
March 4, 2013 - 10:22 am
Michele - When I met with someone from the GBCI Certification Team a few weeks ago in DC, she noted in passing that they expect the Excel version of their spreadsheets to be uploaded so that they know no formulas have been modified.
Could you just use their spreadsheet instead of translating yours? That’s what I decided to do. I know that it has been frustrating for me over the years to create resources and then have them replaced with official versions but put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes for a minute… Since an uploaded spreadsheet is required for this credit, wouldn’t you want it to be the one most projects are using. And the v4.0 version of the form is pretty explicit: “Download, complete and upload the Materials and Resource Calculator (found under "Credit Resources") to document sustainable criteria values for MR Credits 3-7. Upload L-10. Provide the complete Materials and Resource Calculator.”
Granted I haven’t worked with the ID&C Materials Calculator like I have with the BD&C one and it might not have been adapted correctly, which could be another source of angst.
But hopefully Tristan will see this forum and ask an official answer from GBCI or maybe someone from GBCI will answer directly. And take note of the “silly check” you mention and tell us what that’s about.