Hi all - I hope I am posting this in the right place. Sorry I am pretty new to this site but my experience here has been awesome so far.
I work with a Construction Management firm and I am trying to raise awareness of how different LEED credits have different impacts on project execution/cost. My objective is that our team can have a more meaningful discussion with the design team and provide more constructive feedback during project development (and not just sit back and "blindly" accept the decisions).
I am wondering if there is any credit by credit cost analysis out there that I could review? Anything that would help us understand some of the hard/softcosts associated with LEED. I've already downloaded the resources in "the cost of LEED" section of this site. They are great resources and I wonder if there is similar content out there?
Thanks a million and great site,
Philip Murphy
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 19, 2013 - 10:01 pm
Philip, welcome to LEEDuser! I'm glad you found the Cost of LEED section of our site. A question like this would be perfect for the forum on that page. And as far as an answer to your question, did you download our Cost of LEED report? That would seem to me to be exactly what you're after.
Philip Murphy
SODCLJuly 22, 2013 - 12:54 pm
Hi Tristan,
Thanks for your swift reply. I didn't notice that each page had a forum so I will post my query there instead - thanks for the advice!
I downloaded the Cost of LEED report. It is great resource and will be my primary source of reference for my work. My post was to see if there is any other similar report out there that I may not be aware of. The more information I have, the easier it will be for me ot do this project :). But in general, the Cost of LEED report is pretty much what I am looking for and will save alot of time!