In the project we are modeling the cooling plant which serves the production area and the buildings' HVAC systems is one and the same. Probably the designers' solution is such because the cold water temperature parameters are identical for the whole building. The chillers are with refrigerant ammonia. The following questions are open at the moment and we'd highly appreciate some assistance for their resolution.
1. Does the 90.1-2007 standard regulate ammonia refrigerant water cooled chillers?
2. The cooling circuit between chillers and the served cooling coils includes intermediate heat exchanger whereas the circuit between chillers and the heat exchanger are water/glycol mixture. The evaporator's outlet temperature is -2 oC (28.4 oF). Are chillers operating with these parameters considered as regulated by the standard and if not what parameters for the Baseline chillers are to be applied? The project belongs to System 7.
2. Having in mind that the production (and all of the systems assigned to it) are to be considered as process load and are to be identical to Proposed and Baseline models, should the cooling plant be split into two sections - one for the buildings' HVAC systems and the other for the production needs.
3. Assume we split the cooling plant. Regarding the chiller part assigned to the production, the question is: In case there is a better efficiency chiller than the project one and it is readily available on the market, could we apply an exceptional calculation for evaluating the savings resulted from the better efficiency chiller?