In a retail project within a shopping center redesign, common dumpsters will be used during demolition and construction for all tennants. There will be co-mingled recycling and recycling rates are anticipated to be very high overall, but the retail store pursuing LEED-CI will not be able to separate out their specific waste from the waste of neighboring retail projects. Can the total amount of construction waste be used to achieve the credit for the single retail project if the overall diverted waste meets the 50 or 75% thresholds? There is no space to provide separate dumpsters for this project alone so this would be our only option. Have projects been successful with this approach in the past?
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
March 10, 2010 - 5:02 pm
I don't have experience with this situation but it seems fundamentally the same as if your hauler were doing the waste diversion and reporting back to you their overall diversion rate for that time period. And that's allowed, so I would say you're good to go.
Anyone have experience with a situation like this?
Valerie Walsh
Sustainable Design & Construction ConsultantsWalsh Sustainability Group
219 thumbs up
April 7, 2010 - 5:19 pm
We had a supermarket LEED project that was part of a 62-acre retail shopping center redevelopment. All of the demo waste was combined due to it being one demo contractor. We simply estimated the amount that could be attributed to our store site and used those figures.
The new construction waste phase was a new contractor with separated dumpsters just for the supermarket, so that was business as usual. This project was in the Retail Pilot and earned Gold. I would check the Retail Rating System for any new provisions related to applying this credit to Retail for ideas or guidance, even if you are CI.
Victoria Lockhart
Arup Associates125 thumbs up
May 25, 2010 - 11:46 am
i have recently found two CIRs for the older version of CI on this topic:
"CIR ruling dated 07/08/08 states that “individual buildings and spaces seeking certification need to be accountable for their individual construction waste management diversion rates and should be tracked and documented as such”. Based on this CIR ruling, the project team should note that the material resulting from the renovation of the non-LEED project cannot be commingled with the material from the LEED NC addition project. This inclusion of material would lead to inaccurate calculations for MRc2.1. If the project team can devise and document a method that accurately assigns the waste from the two separate projects before combining, then this would be an acceptable compliance path."
This would imply that the credit is not achievable where waste cannot be reliably and separately accounted for. Again, grateful to hear of others experience in Review!