My team is having an issue with the mechanical contractor who installed lab exhaust fans in the buildings. The commissioning agent was suppose to test those fans but the mechanical contractor is pushing back saying it should be tested once fit-out of the building has been completed in the building, currently the exhaust fans are not tied to any ductwork and they can be tested as they are. Fit-out will not be completed until much later when the June 30th, 2022 submission deadline for all LEED v2009 projects has already passed.
Does anyone know if it's possible for us to select "commissioning report is complete" in the LEED Online form and have the commissioning agent submit a completed report but leave out the lab exhaust fans, or should we select "The commissioning report is pending completion. A contract is in place to ensure that the report will be completed" and provide all the deliverables requested (i.e. commissioning plan summary, contract, and sample checklists) for that option in LEED Online? If for some reason none of those option would satisfy the LEED reviewer, does anyone know if there is any way we can get an extension passed the June 30th deadline so we can push the mechanical contractor to allow the commissioning agent to test those units?
Given the date of this post, any help with this urgent situation is super helpful.
Brian Salazar
President, LEED AP, WELL APEntegra Development & Investment, LLC
56 thumbs up
May 26, 2022 - 6:20 pm
As long as the Design credits are submitted by June 30, and the review of those is in process, then you have 18 months from that time to complete the Construction credits, including commissioning.
Edgar Arevalo
Associate19 thumbs up
May 27, 2022 - 10:07 am
The design credits were reviewed and comments were addressed sometime in the Spring of 2020. Do you mean 18 months from that time or 18 months after June 30?
Brian Salazar
President, LEED AP, WELL APEntegra Development & Investment, LLC
56 thumbs up
May 27, 2022 - 10:26 am
"Within 18 months of completion of Design Final Review OR before the sunset date, whichever occurs latest"