I have some slight doubts about the way commercial prerinse spray valve should be integrated in the calculation. Those are quoted in the credit language, but then, there is no information anymore: no calculation example, no quotation in the Reference guide, and no reference in the template. Does it mean that as long as the prerinse valve flow is under 1,6gpm, it's ok, and that the actual consumption is not taken into account in the calculation?
Crissy Tsai
Sustainability CoordinatorWebcor Builders
58 thumbs up
November 16, 2011 - 7:55 pm
This is a new edition to the WEp1 v4 of the credit. I believe your assumption is correct. As long as the pre-rinse spray value is 1.6 gpm or below it complies with the requirement. The actual consumption does not appear to be taken in to account in the calculation.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
June 22, 2012 - 3:56 pm
That is correct. Prerinse spray valves must in all cases be 1.6 gpm or less. And for projects using the v04 WEp1Prerequisite Form, savings cannot be claimed for prerinse spray valves.