One of our clients is starting a major refurbishment of an office building. Main characteristics of this operation are:
- Building Owner: the client itself;
- Building occupancy: client staff (almost 100% of the building – only a tenancy area is foreseen: small bar/cafeteria);
- Main building use: offices;
- GFA: around 10.000 m2;
- Area included in the refurbishment operation: around 9.000 m2;
- Interventions included in the refurbishment operation:
- interior fit-out: partitions and ceilings (almost all spaces);
- lighting system;
- fan-coils, air-handling units, pipes and accessories;
- chiller (replacement of one of the two chillers actually installed);
- under evaluation: façade refurbishment (can include the replacement of actual glazing and/or application of shading devices).
The question is: which LEED rating system is more appropriate for this intervention: LEED BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation or LEED ID+C: Commercial Interiors ?
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