In one of the projects, there are no cooling tower. There are no AC Spaces in our project, and hence for the energy simulations ASHRAE 90.1 2010 Appendix G Space System 10 is selected. This is not congruent with the Pilot Credit requirements which states that the project baseline system designated for the building is using ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G Table G3.1.1 and includes a cooling tower (systems 7 & 8). But since there are no AC Spaces and no Cooling Tower in the project, System 10 was selected.
Kindly clarify whether which system to be selected.
Bipin Karki
Sustainability Project Manager88 thumbs up
May 14, 2019 - 3:11 pm
Projects may earn full credit under No Cooling Tower Credit if all conditions are met:
All other system types are ineligible for credit.
The USGBC guideline clearly states that no other way is eligible for this pilot credit. The best approach may be to directly contact GBCI and explain your special circumstances. And provide email confirmation (if approved) for LEED submittals. Hope it helps!