Can you please clarify two points regarding e-car demand response (DR) -
1. Are we correct in understanding that LEED considers building DR programs as separate from e-car DR programs?
2. Currently there is no e-car DR program available. Can we achieve the credit if the charging stations installed are capable of participating in a future DR program?
Thank you
Calie Gihl
Design EngineerLEEDuser Expert
19 thumbs up
June 22, 2018 - 12:47 pm
Hi Francis,
Sorry for the late response! Hopefully this is still helpful for your project.
1. Yes, building demand response programs can be separate from e-car programs. However, some building DR programs incorporate electric vehicle systems into their load management systems as a way to avoid peak charging when there is a lot of EVSE.
2. Yes, the intent of this credit is to have infrastructure which has internet access so that it is "future ready" for these programs.