Dear All,

I have a couple of questions regarding the space types listed in ASHRAE 90.1 Table 9.6.1 (Space-by-Space Method):

1) For underground car parking, the closest space type is the "Parking Garage - Garage Area" which appears to have a very low LPD allowance (2 W/m2). Isn't it a bit strange to have a 2 W/m2 in the Space by Space method while having 3 W/m2 in the Building Area Method? I thought the Space-by-Space always has higher LPD allowances

2) For seating areas in restaurants inside a Shopping Mall, do we choose "Dining Area" or "Dining Area for Family dining" (there's a big difference in the allowed LPD)?

3) The Mall has a big Entertainment zone (mainly an area for kids to play videogames). There doesn't seem to be a matching space type in Table 9.6.1. Does this mean that these are not regulated and that we have to model the baseline as per the proposed lighting?

4) Are "Motion Picture Theaters" equivalent to "Movie theaters" or "Cinemas"?

Many thanks in advance!