I'm currently going through the preliminary design review credits, and I was stumped on the comment for IEQp1: Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance surrounding the 40,198 sq. ft. documented in the indoor air performance calculator being drastically different than the 75,000 sq.ft. total gross floor area reported in PIf2. After singling out all the floor area not applicable to IEQp1, both that number and the one used in the calculator was still much lower than 75,000 sq.ft. I realized that we didn't remember to adjust the total gross floor area to a more accurate estimate before preliminary submission. Even worse is certain design credits that involve total gross floor area data are already marked as anticipated. Would there be any complications from the LEED reviewer if I went ahead and adjust the total gross floor area in PIf2, as well as in those other design credits by opening those credits to update before I submit for final design review?  By complications, I mean like if there is an actual cost ($$$) to it or if any red flags are raised by the reviewer.  I know that even with the adjusted gross floor area, those other credits will still meet compliance.