We are in the process of pursuing LEED EBOM certification, for a project located in Europe. We have submitted the documentation for preliminary review. Following the client´s decision, initially they wanted to exclude one building part form the certification. At this point, and after we have submitted the project for preliminary review, we are thinking of including this part of the building into the project boundary as well.
Is this still possible to add/change energy consumption data after the project is already submitted for preliminary review? Would this require us to repeat the performance period of 12 month?
For the building part that we are thinking on adding, we have all documentation and consumption data ready, as we have been documenting everything together with other building part that have been initially included in the certification.
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
535 thumbs up
January 25, 2016 - 8:20 am
Not understanding the reason for excluding, here is the LEED EBOM rule with respect to excluding information:
-----All prerequisites (except EQp2) and all credits offer a 10% floor area exemption option for multi-tenanted buildings. If it is not possible to gather the necessary tenant data for these credits, or the applicant does not have control over the required element, the project team can exempt up to 10% of the building's gross floor area. If the LEED reviewer realizes you excluded a portion of the building from prereq or credit requirements they may ask you to provide a narrative listing the management, occupancy, and floor area of exempted space(s) and require you to summarize the attempts the team has made to acquire the data from the excluded floor area(s).------
It is possible to revise information with your final submission. As always, provide a narrative explaining why information submitted in the final review does not match the information submitted in the preliminary review.