We have currently drawn our LEED boundary to include all areas that our building/scope of work is impacting. As this is a campus there are other buildings and site improvements that the client would like to make in the future. These future projects will also seek LEED certification. There is parking areas that are part of the campus on either side of our project boundary but not within our project boundary. These parking areas are slated to be renovated as part of the future projects mentioned above. We are not adding any parking with our project. The client encourages their staff to use public transportation and near by public parking as the campus has too little parking. Building users are not restricted from using the parking adjacent to our project (currently outside of our project boundary and scope of work). My question Is, is it safe to exclude the parking adjacent to our site from our LEED boundary as the client wants it to be associated with future construction projects and it is not part of our scope of work? I could get the client to write a letter that supports these claims if needed.