I've submitted several projects over the past few years, all outside the US where ceramic tile is much more common and will always be locally produced. Normally the reviewers have exempted the ceramic tile from the credit documentation requirements. Not this time! Reviewers said: 1. The Alternative Compliance Path has not been selected for this credit to document compliance for the products. Therefore, it is unclear if the tile has any integral organic-based coatings and sealants. Provide a narrative indicating whether the project is applying the April 14, 2010 addenda and including the manufacture and specific product description of the product claiming the exemption. Ensure that documentation has been provided to confirm that the product does not contain any organic based coatings. See LEED Interpretation 10267 for additional information regarding this compliance path.
As it is there is no way to go back and get this documentation and I very much doubt it would be available--probably same with most projects outside the US. Does anyone have experience with the reviewer actually asking for the documentation?
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
October 3, 2016 - 3:09 pm
Hi Melissa,
My experience is only inside the US, but this comment sounds standard to me. Just sounds like you got a novice or by the book reviewer or have been lucky previously. We have always been obliged to upload the "excluded" tile and solid wood flooring product data under the Alternate Compliance or Special Circumstances in EQ4.3 to prove that it is in fact excludable. This data is easy to come by here in the US. It's just regular product data about the material that talks about how it's manufactured and makes it clear there is no organic coating involved.
Melissa Merryweather
DirectorGreen Consult-Asia
245 thumbs up
October 3, 2016 - 11:01 pm
Thanks Michelle. I'm replying exactly to the letter what they are asking for--no literature required-- and will see if that works. I'll post an update if its interesting.