This prerequisite calls for all commercial washing machines to meet CEE Tier 3a, however the CEE website indicates that the commercial washing machine program is currently suspended in order to be updated. We are planning to explain the circumstance in our documentation, but has anyone successfully addressed this on a submission yet?
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
539 thumbs up
September 26, 2016 - 1:16 pm
We have recently asked GBCI this question and here is their response:
"spec commercial clothes washers with a modified energy factor of 1.8 and water factor of 7.5 per Tier 3A listed in a previous standard" Here is the link:
Martha Norbeck
PresidentC-Wise Design and Consulting
71 thumbs up
March 26, 2018 - 5:43 pm
Katie, Did you successfully document this? We are struggling to find acceptable products.
Katie Fluence
Elme Communities3 thumbs up
March 28, 2018 - 11:13 am
We did! However, it took quite a bit of back and forth with our manufacturer (Speed Queen). They originally didn't think they had the required information, but once we explained what the Water Factor and Modified Energy Factor were, they were able to locate the necessary information for us.
Brightworks Sustainability
Brightworks Sustainability LLC47 thumbs up
April 26, 2018 - 12:51 pm
Hi Katie,
We are having the same issue with Speed Queen - they are actually telling us that they can meet the Energy and Water factors. Do you mind sharing the make/ model? Would be greatly appreciated!
Katie Fluence
Elme Communities3 thumbs up
May 8, 2018 - 4:18 pm
Unfortunately it looks like the model we used has been discontinued!
Jodie Clarke
Sustainability Project ManagerUnico Properties
May 17, 2018 - 7:11 pm
We have a commercial washing machine unit specified which will be located on each floor of an affordable rental apartment building for seniors. It will be used in more of a residential capacity in that aspect as installing residential units in each apartment causes other issues.
The unit specified (Maytag Commercial MHN33PD) is ENERGY STAR rated but the Modified Energy Factor (MEF) is 2.45 and the Water Factor (WF) is 3.50, which doesn't meet the (now suspended) CEE Tier 3a requirements for energy.
We are in final design clarifications and would like to make the case for this being compliant, though don;t want to pay for appeal if not accepted. Has anyone else gotten around this?
Katie Fluence
Elme Communities3 thumbs up
June 14, 2018 - 2:05 pm
Hi Jodie,
Sorry for the late reply, but it does sound like the fixture you described would meet the requirements. The MEF needs to be higher than 1.80 and the WF lower than 7.5. The criteria posted on CEE's website referenced a newer standard than that which LEEDv4 intended to reference. We had success in submitting a machine with a 4.5 WF/2.2 MEF.
It also appears that the Speed Queen Quantum commercial stacking washer/dryer can meet the requirements for those still looking for options.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
July 16, 2018 - 2:31 pm
Hi all,
Please note that GBCI has just confirmed that washers that comply with the current Energy Star v8 specification will also meet the CEE Tier 3A criteria.
Olga Yuil
Green Building Consultant20 thumbs up
October 16, 2018 - 6:11 pm
Hi Michelle Rosenberger,
Could you please share the source of that information?
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
October 16, 2018 - 6:28 pm
Yes, it was a LEED Coach named Peggy Brock. We corresponded several times on this issue. She noted in a July email that washers still needed to meet the MEF of 1.80 and WF of 7.5 that was defined by the suspended CEE Tier 3A but also indicated "that commercial clothes washers that comply with current Energy Star specification (v8) meet the CEE Tier 3A criteria." Then in August after looking into it even further she "found that the intended requirements for commerical washers presents serious obstacles, so we are not enforcing and the topic is on our list of things to revisit for the next version of LEED. The CEE tier is limited in its applicability. Therefore clothes washers that fall outside of the scope of the CEE standard (1.6 to 6 cuft) are exempt from the prerequisite requirement." Case #01868851.
Hope this helps.
Olga Yuil
Green Building Consultant20 thumbs up
October 18, 2018 - 12:39 pm
Thank you Michelle!
Olga Yuil
Green Building Consultant20 thumbs up
October 26, 2018 - 8:50 pm
Hi, we also just received this information from our LEED Coach:
It should be noted that the CEE Commercial clothes washer specification has been suspended, but that LEED v4 projects must demonstrate compliance with the CEE Tier 3A commercial clothes washer criteria that was in effect at the time the LEED v4 rating system was published: MEF of 1.80, WF of 7.5. Commercial clothes washers that comply with the current ENERGY STAR specification (v8) meet the CEE Tier 3A criteria.
marie-eve lachance
July 5, 2019 - 10:42 am
I can not find de case 01868851...Can you please give me the reference that confirmed that clothes washers fall outside of the scope of the CEE standard (1.6 to 6 cuft) are exempt from the prerequisite ?
Thank you
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
July 8, 2019 - 12:21 pm
Hi Marie-Eve,
This kind of issue is awkward. You're not going to find that case number in any of the general LEED reference information because it comes from a specific interaction with a USGBC LEED coach. My suggestion is that you initiate a query yourself to a LEED coach or through the USGBC Contact Us mechanism. Ask the same question and ask them to confirm the answer above per that Case number is accurate for your project. That way you will have an email from them that you can use with your submittal documents.
marie-eve lachance
July 9, 2019 - 6:02 am
Thank you so much Michelle!