Is it possible for the general contractor to act as LEED Project administrator, the case we have here as the consultant in that Design-bid -Build Contract, is that ministry (owner) has assigned LEED project Admin 4 years ago , before bidding, now after this bid has been awarded "this person doesn't exist". we are in supervision contract tackling the LEED construction credits with the general contractor, as I know now we're going to combined review certification Path but the dilemma is that the owner do think contractor can act as LEED Project administrator. Is that correct does that has a conflict of interest pouring in mind that still a lot of LEED Design documentation need to be put together such as energy modeling...etc ?
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
August 26, 2017 - 10:08 pm
Yes, there is very little restriction on who can be the LEED administrator.