Dear All,
We are currently working in a project of a new University Campus, that will include two different buildings:
1) school building (GFA = 30.500 m2);
2) office building (GFA = 7.350 m2). This building will host the central services for all the school buildings and campus of University (this entity has several other university campus).
Since both buildings will be located in a same site, we are pursuing LEED certification using Campus Approach.
In what relates to this credit, for number of car park calculation purposes can you define what we should consider as “School population”? Is it only the number of students/teachers or thus it include the FTE that will occupied the office building?
Thanks in advance,
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
247 thumbs up
September 16, 2020 - 5:57 pm
Dear Ricardo,
Reduced Parking Footprint Credit is eligible for Campus Approach. All the parking located within the LEED campus boundary must be included in the calculations.
Regarding your question on population, if the credit is eligible for Campus Approach, then population you need to consider is population of both buildings, but you should avoid double-counting (for example, if teachers teaching in school building also occupy office building).
Jose Castorena
N/A1 thumbs up
October 16, 2024 - 10:39 am
Greetings all.
Okay, coming into this one late. Afrogreen Build what do you mean by "LEED campus boundary?" Do you mean the entire campus boundary, which is in line with the reference guide, or do you imply LEED project boundary? Just wondering. Thank you in advance for your help.