The Rating System calls out to "Calibrate meters within the manufacturer’s recommended interval if the building owner, management organization or tenant owns the meter. Meters owned by third parties (e.g., utilities or governments) are exempt." There is not a whole lot of coverage in the "Checklists" portion of the website to adequately address this. It might be good to add for a project team's check list of things to do. For EAc1 as well!
For an actual question, as energy metering data may be excluded for up to 10% of the building’s gross floor area, are there any thoughts out there regarding the same exclusion for calibration for the excluded area? Based on my reading of the Ref Guide, I'm apt to say no exclusion for calibration of any meters.
John Beeson
Green Mystic in Residence107 thumbs up
July 15, 2010 - 5:19 pm
Oh, and calibration isn't identified in the "Action Steps" image either....
Jenny Carney
Vice PresidentWSP
LEEDuser Expert
657 thumbs up
July 21, 2010 - 2:54 pm
Hi John - yes, as stated in the credit requirements building-owned meters do need to be calibrated, but this is a pretty rare situation. Most all buildings perform the energy benchmarking by using data from utility-owned meters. Exceptions might be...hmm, maybe a campus situation with district systems? Most team's won't need to deal with this, hence it not being highlighted as a key action step.
If you do happen to be using data from building-owned meters in your benchmarking, in my opinion there is no reason to think you can exclude any of them from the calibration criteria.
John Beeson
Green Mystic in Residence107 thumbs up
July 22, 2010 - 9:52 am
Thanks Jenny,
I guess, like in other credits with lots of options, an action step could be useful to list if the team does have a building-owned meter. Provides a little reminder check that it was thought about and considered (even if it ends up that they don't have any bldg-owned ones). maybe?
If the data from the building-owned meter is excluded per the reasons stipulated in the Ref Guide (data center, etc), would it still require calibration?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 24, 2010 - 12:38 am
John, I heard the feedback here loud and clear and your comments will inform our updates here.