I am sure someone has pursued SSc4.3 in CalGreen territory. Are you able to double-count the CalGreen designate parking spaces for Clean Air Vehicles and the Fuel Efficient, Alternative Fuel Vehicles for SSc4.3 in LEED? If so, how have you designated the spaces to meet the LEED and CalGreen requirements?

From what I can tell, the LEED requirement is more specific than the CalGreen requirement and a car that qualifies for CalGreen may not qualify for LEED SSc4.3. I have reviewed the Stopwaste CalGreen and LEED guide mentioned above. The suggestion in the guide, if I understand correctly, is to erect the sign meeting LEED requirements and to paint the stall according to the Cal Green requirements. Would this not then allow a car not qualifying for LEED SSc4.3 (not SSc4.4), but meeting CalGreen requirements (for example a carpool vehicle) park in the space?

Suggestions for compliance?
