When working on large projects with substantial mock-ups, should one include these materials in the project documentation? I would assume that since these costs are in the project budget, they should be included. Often these installations are build off-site. So, I have a similar question about tracking construction waste. What have others done?
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Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
September 11, 2015 - 8:10 pm
Technically, NC Credits MRc3 through MRc6 all evaluate PERMANENTLY INSTALLED materials from CSI Divisions 03 through 10 and parts of 31 & 32. [Only MRc7 allows the option of counting temporary wood in the FSC tally.]
Since most mockups are temporary, demolished once construction is complete, these should not count. On the other hand, mockups that are constructed in-place and accepted as permanent construction definitely count. Likewise, you may count materials saved from mockup if they ultimately are incorporated into the project.
Also, even though mockup requirements are specified in the same Spec Sections as the materials being emulated, CSI classifies “Mockups” in Division 01, under “Quality Requirements.” For budgeting, mockups are often broken out as administrative or overhead costs.
Therefore, when I have worked with mockups, I have not included mockups in material & cost tallies, counting only the demolition waste from on-site mockups toward MRc2. Off-site mockups do not count at all.
Still, even the most substantial mockups cost a minor fraction of the typical construction budget. They make little difference either way. I don’t count them, but I also don’t fret much trying to parse out their costs.