We are going to register a project for ALSTOM which contains: Offices, laboratories, restaurant and workshop in a whole building of nearly 30 000 m².
- Are we obliged to certify the entire building? can we restrict the perimeter to the offices only ?
Excluding laboratories and workshop ?
- Do we have to use only LEED NC or we must add another one?
Thanks’ in advance for your answer !
Best regards
Adrienn Gelesz
LEED APABUD Engineering Ltd.
48 thumbs up
September 12, 2012 - 6:22 am
Hi Nicolas,
you have to certify a building as a whole - if you can demonstrate that the office building is separate: separate HVAC, separate entrance, party walls between office and other areas with limited openings, etc. you may try to certify it separately. You should read the LEED Minimum Program Requirements supplemental guidance carefully to see when can a horizontally or vertically attached building be determined as a separate building.
For the whole building NC seems right.