Hello all,

We are working on an industrial facility with an adjacent office building that is looking for a NC certification LEED v2009. This project in a future includes several expansions in different phases as adjacent buildings, sharing the same building main entrance.

In the office building the interior space will be connected between phases. In the production area this is different, every phase will have a different process and will be separated with a wall so they will not share any systems, but they still will be sharing the same building entrance in the phase 1.

In this case it is difficult to define the LEED boundaries, because they will share the entrance and they will not be completely independent one from each other, but we cannot register all the phases as one project, because we don´t know yet when all the phases will be finished or if all the phases will be done, and we only have phase 1 in process.

Is there a way to define LEED boundaries in projects that consider future additions for one building, even if they share some elements? I have read the LEED v2009 MPR, which talks about projects with future additions, but it doesn´t mention what happens when the expansion shares elements with the first building (entrance, restrooms, etc.)

Or should the project look for the certification as one building only after the completion of the project?, which is not the best option, because it could take several years to be finished.

Thank you in advance!
