We work in SE Asia where many buildings have installed already or still install squat toilets (floor toilets) which are blow-out fixtures.

In a recent review comment, we have been advised:
"The form calculations include 3.5 GPF blow-out fixtures in the baseline, which is incorrect. Blow-out fixtures may only be used in
certain circumstances, such as institutional use (e.g., prisons) or where there are existing piping limitations that require the use of
toilets that consume greater than 1.6 gallons per flush. For more information, refer to the Water Use Reduction Additional Guidance
(Updated April 1, 2013)"

When we refer to the Water Use Reduction Additional Guidance (Updated April 1, 2013), we find this further information: "Blow-out Fixtures: Certain circumstances, such as institutional use or where there are existing piping limitations, may require the use of toilets that consume greater than 1.6 gallons per flush. In such circumstances, the “Blow-out fixture” option may be selected from the “Fixture Family” category of the Flush Fixture Data table. When selecting this option, be mindful that the 3.5 gpf baseline should also be used for the installed case; no water saving credit may be taken for reducing consumption from a blow-out fixture baseline. Additionally, projects may be asked to provide justification for using fixtures that consume greater than 1.6 gpf. This option is only available to rating systems that include blow-out fixtures in the prerequisite requirements (not EBOM)."

Just to be sure we understand the directions here...

Is this saying that blow-out fixtures may be included in the baseline calculation only for non-EBOM projects?

And these blow-out fixtures may only be included in the design case for EBOM projects?

FURTHERMORE, When you select the "Blow-Out Fixture" Fixture Family in the WEp1 LEED Online Form, the form automatically calculates the baseline as 3.5gpf - this is not editable by the form user.