The project I'm working on currently is for a production plant and office zones all in one building. There is no cooling coils in all designed system with the exception of the Dx unit in the server room.
All systems are Ventilation and heating.
The question is related to the system in the Baseline model. There are allowed heating only systems when it is for stores, stairs, technical rooms, etc. In my case however the office zones are also designed as Heating only (ventilation and aux radiator heating).
Should this be modeled in the Baseline also as the other heating only systems, regarding that it is for office areas.
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
October 4, 2014 - 4:57 pm
You can use the heating only systems for any space type.
Vassil Vassilev
13 thumbs up
October 13, 2014 - 9:16 am
Hi Marcus,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
There are however few more clearing questions to this issue, for which I'm not sure how to proceed.
1. Baseline system arrangement. In ASHRAE 90.1 2010 Manual (G-28) is written "For systems ...9 and 10, each floor is modeled with a separate HVAC system".
My project has two floors (46 000 sqft), but has 8 different heating system servicing various zones, which are Radiation (heating only) and ventilation DOA (also heating only).
Reading the manual, I'm considering that for Baseline I have to model 2 systems - Ventilation - heating only. Is this correct or I should model the systems as they are in the Proposed?
2. Number of Boilers, pumps. In app. G are written the conditions for these equipment, but applicable to systems 1, 5 and 7.
My project has two gas fired boilers and the whole system is based on hot water circulated by pumps.
Should I stick also to these systems (1,5,7) ?
Your support will be highly appreciated.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
October 13, 2014 - 9:28 am
1. Baseline is one system per floor. Do not map the baseline systems to the proposed systems.
2. A system 9 uses a furnace, not a boiler. So the baseline would not have a boiler, pumps, etc.
Jean Marais
b.i.g. Bechtold DesignBuilder Expert832 thumbs up
October 14, 2014 - 7:04 am
Marcus you are always(?!) right. However, I would like to ask you to perhaps bring this up with the TAG if you get the chance, i.e. to allow the baseline to map to the design case. It would make things a lot easier for the simulation program TrnSys (and most others as well) on large geometery projects and makes some sense on both accuracy (especially the routing and controls) and zoning practice.
If you are of the other oppinion, I'd love to hear the reasoning from an expert such as yourself.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
October 14, 2014 - 8:00 am
Jean I am frequently wrong, just ask my wife.
I am no longer on the EA TAG and the issue is embedded in Appendix G so I don't think the TAG would opt to change it.
You raise a good point. This makes sense in certain building type but does not make sense in others. 90.1-2013 has added building types and differentiates system type by climate zone instead of heating fuel. I think that as this continues to be refined hopefully they will do more differentiation by building type to address this issue.
Your issue is with the Appendix G folks, not the LEED folks I think.