Hi, I’m currently working on a pharmaceutical facility in Mexico where unregulated procces loads account for more tan 60% of the energy consumption. A major part of this load is due to some fans in conditioned areas but not interlocked to the HVAC system. They do not work in conjuntion but they do operate in the same room. This fans do not exhaust nor supply air into the room, they just create a loop of air filtration.
We are aware that we will have to go under an ECM in order to claim savings from this fans, but we are not sure of how to establish the baseline fan power. Are we allowed to establish fan power based on paragraph G3.1.2.9 System Fan Power from ASHRAE 90.1 2007? Or shall we establish this fan power based on regular practices of local facilities?
Additionally, we are claiming credit from exhaust fans that they do are interlocked with the project’s AHU’s , as they are connected through several air flow, pressure and humidity sensors.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
August 29, 2017 - 9:57 am
Since they are not HVAC fans G3.1.2.9 does not apply. These fans are supposed to be modeled identically - same size, airflows, etc. I am not sure how fan power in other facilities applies. It is unclear what you are doing to claim savings. I don't think it is legitimate to claim a difference in fan power unless you can justify it with specific strategies that are typically not installed in similar facilities. Beyond using premium motors I am not sure what savings you could claim?