When we enter the calculated consumptions from EA P2 into the EA C5.1 LEED Online form, can I than use other values, which are based on actual building operation and performance?
We deal with a lot of projects in Europe, which are usually very different from US projects. LEED and ASHRAE requires us to calculated our buildings different than they actual operate or perform, which results in high deviations. For instance the requirement for cooling in all spaces even if it's not, natural ventilation with operable windows, automatic exterior blinds (Software often can't simulated that), chilled /heated concrete slabs, reduced plug loads(less than 25% process load), demand controlled ventilation or other measures, which we often do not simulated, because of all the hassle related to exceptional methods or simply software limitations.
My questions is: Can we use other values for each user's consumption and if so is it up to us to determine a reasonable approach for the simulation of actual building performance?