Hi, my question is as follows: in version 2.2 when you chose to use the complience forms to support the mandatory provisions, only the check list part was necessary to be filled up. Since the V 3.3 Reference Guide does not specify this, what is the right thing to do? do you have to fill up also the equipment tables? i.e. for building more the 2 floors: HVAC Part II, page 1 and page 2, complete? or the same as before: just the checklist?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
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Erik Dyrr
Director, Sustainable Buildings and OperationsKEMA
80 thumbs up
April 20, 2010 - 11:59 am
If the checklists on the compliance forms cover only the mandatory provisions, then they'll be considered insufficient. If they include the mandatory AND prescriptive provisions then they may be sufficient for a reviewer. If you see the top of this page, it lists the mandatory and prescriptive measures that LEED is requiring to comply with this prerequisite, they're also listed in detail in the reference guide. If the forms cover all these topics, then you should be covered.
Jose Salinas
MrPoch & Associates
74 thumbs up
April 20, 2010 - 12:22 pm
Thanks Erik,
The case is that I decided to go for the simulation instead of the prescriptive provisions. In this case, should I complete the mandatory checklits only? or the simulation covers the complete requirement?
Erik Dyrr
Director, Sustainable Buildings and OperationsKEMA
80 thumbs up
April 20, 2010 - 12:28 pm
The Simulation should cover the complete requirements in a performance method via the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Appendix G Modeling protocols.
Jose Salinas
MrPoch & Associates
74 thumbs up
May 18, 2010 - 5:00 pm
Hi again, I was re-visiting this subject and still I have some doubts:
I am doing a computer simulation so I only have to document the Mandatory provisions using the ASHRAE compliance forms.
According LEED Online, the only part you may skip from filling are the tables on the Lighting Power Allowance Form, and the Water Heating form. As I understand now it is compulsory to complete all the rest of the forms and tables for Building Envelope, HVAC and Lighting forms. Is that correct?
(My question is because previously, on V2.2, it was only required to complete then checklists on Part I of the documents. I wonder if this is still possible so you can avoid filling the whole forms)
Paul Conrad
Energy EngineerCLEAResult Consulting
346 thumbs up
May 27, 2010 - 8:45 am
I haven't looked at the current iteration of the V3 forms yet, but be sure that you're choosing the Performance Option at the top. This should direct you to fill out the correct areas of the template. Yes you're using the performance approach, but you still need to report your Modeling inputs and outputs so that a reviewer may evaluate your project appropriately, so that may be why you need to fill out the tables it's asking for.