A portion of our new building will be dedicated to maintenance of large vehicles (large trucks, earth movers, etc) and is priimarily industrial in nature. These areas are provided with exhaust fans, but are not conditioned (no heating, no cooling, no indirect cooling). We are excluding these portion of the building from our simulation model based on the fact that ASHRAE 90.1 does not apply to equipment and potions of building sysems that use energy primarily for industrial, manufacturing or commercial purposes (ASHRAE 90.1 section 2.3.c).
My questions are:
1. Do we need to include the power for the exhaust fans serving these areas in our model as process loads?
2. Do we need to include the lighting of these areas in our model?
3. If the lighting must be included, does it need to be treated as a process load, i.e. same in Baseline and Proposed cases, or can we use ASHRAE LPD for the Baseline case and the As-Design LPD for the proposed case?