We have a project with a 4-story horizontal addition being added (it is actually a healthcare facility, but there are not currently any Q/A's in the HC Forum). Being helathcare, there is a large expanse of surface parking already exisitng (mainly along the 'front' side of the building). The addition will be in the 'back' and will have a new surface lot designed/constructed as part of the project scope. When figuring out the 5%/10% numbers, do we have to take into account all of the exisitng surface lot spaces or can we just count the new spaces that will be within our project boundary? The wording in the credit language is a little gray for Option 1: "Install electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) in 5% of all parking spaces used by the project or..." and Option 2 doesn't have the same language: "Make 10% of parking spaces or at least 6 spaces, whichever is greater, EV Ready." The difference in the amount of spaces that would need to be provided is substantial! Thank you!
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
539 thumbs up
March 25, 2022 - 8:24 pm
it is my understanding the parking lots serving buildings that are not pursuing LEED are also required to be included in the percentage. For example if the total number of parking spaces is 100 but only 40 are for the project building pursuing LEED, you still need to base your percentage calc off of 100.
tidbit - use the v4.1 April 2019 version. this only requires 2% and 6%. The v1 v4.1 credit template reflects this percentage. Since v4.1 is not a voted / balloted / approved rating system project teams are able to navigate up and down the seven issuances of the v4.1 reference guide.
Megan Leslie
Sustainability ConsultantStantec
25 thumbs up
March 28, 2022 - 1:27 pm
I recommend looking at the guidance on parking in the Location and Transportation category overview in the Reference Guide. See the Total Vehicle Parking Capacity heading here: https://www.usgbc.org/guide/bdc#lt-overview
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
479 thumbs up
April 12, 2022 - 12:34 pm
My understanding with all parking-related items is that calcs must include any parking used by the occupants, regardless of location. You could probably do this project two different ways, depending on the full context:
(1) Base info only on the occupants actually located in the addition. This would probably get weird as you can't really prove that designated spaces, charging units, etc. are dedicated to only your portion's users without some ridiculous signage very specifically stating it.
(2) Show that the entire building's (or campus') parking area(s) comply as a whole. I have had luck several times proving this at a campus level, such as for a university where our project was just one building. In this case, it's fine to document compliance outside the project's LEED boundary.