We are a brand new dairy located in Ohio. We were constructed in 2014 and went online in 2015. In 2014 there were only 3 new dairies built. (2015 there were only 2).

As a manufacturing facility, we are not eligible for an Energy Star Rating. (We are beta testing the one for dairies, but it has not been implemented yet. Using the beta test system we scored a 90.)

The Minimum Energy Performance credit (and as a result the Optimize Energy Performance credit) are really difficult to achieve.

On the Minimum Energy Performance credit:
Option 1 is not available to us as we cannot get an Energy Star Rating as manufacturing / industrial buildings are not elible.

Option 2 Path 1 is not available as there are no data for dairies in the EPA database

Option 2 Path 2 Case 1 is not available as there is no EPA for manufacturing facilities in the database (i.e. I cannot compute a median for my property type on the Energy Star website)

Option 2 Path 2 Case 2 is not available as we only have 1 year of data.

The USGBC suggested I submit an application for a Pilot Credit program, to use the beta system we are testing.

Question - Is there a database of the actual application submittals that can be researched? I want to make this as painless as possible when I submit the application....
