
I am interested to hear if anyone has done the ASE calc using the alternative "differences between adjacent grid points" methodology. The reference guide states: "For ASE analysis, direct sunlight can be assumed to occur for any grid point that has an hourly illumimance level at least 1,000 lux higher than any directly adjacent grid point. This could be determined from manual postprocessing of the simulation results, through a sun path and shadow program, or with software that automatically postprocesses the simulation results."

I'm unaware of a software that can postprocess data to determine this; technically, I think could do it manually in Excel - but would be a complete nightmare and given the amount of points I have, the Excel file size might become unmanageable. 

I ran a sun-path simulation using Ladybug that determines the number of direct-sun hours for each point. In my opinion, this is a much more accurate analysis of direct-sun penetration than the 1,000 lux threshold that is used in the standard ASE calc. This has brought my ASE percentage down from 30% to 18% - which will allow my project to achieve 2 points under Option 1 - with the LEED interpretation 100002149 that allows projects with an ASE < 20% to comply as long as we submit a narrative that addresses how we designed to address glare. (I understand that if we have automated interior blinds, the ASE calc is exempt - but we are unsure at this time if our project will have this.)

I'm still not sure if my alternative ASE calc will be accepted by the reviewer. I am using a sun path and shadow program, but I am analyzing sun vectors and not differences between points. Has anyone else attempted anything similar to this?

Thanks in advance for any advice.