Hello All,
1.) What is the process for how to switch to Group if we are already registered as MS? The buildings are all performing similar and they meet the requirements for Group, so the benefit of streamlining via so many more credits being available as a Group and only one Review Team, makes sense at this point. Is it simply a matter of changing the name from Master Site to Group for the grouped or campus credits? I assume, no, but I have not found a real answer. We are already registered as a Block. What is the protocol with a switch basically 30 days prior to submittal? I understand that we will lose the 20% discount.
2.) Also, I read that all of the documentation that was already completed on-line will be lost if we switch? Is this true?
Thanks for your help.
Michelle Bracewell-Musson
Owner, LEED APGreen Expectations Sustainability Solutions
118 thumbs up
February 25, 2013 - 4:45 pm
Fyi, I just found the information:
One has to email leedinfo@usgbc.org and request that the project be switched from Master Site (Campus) to Group. If they approve, they will switch it over.
I have not found out if I will lose everthing yet.
Erin Holdenried
Sustainability Architect125 thumbs up
February 25, 2013 - 5:34 pm
Typcially, when GBCI switches projects over to a different certification platform, all data within forms and uploaded documentation will be lost. If you have already completed all the documentation for a Master Site with individual buildings, there does not seem to be an advantage to switching the Group Platform. The Group platform is new and quite different from LEED Online v3. So, if your project is currently in LEED Online v3, you will definitely lose everything switching to the new Group Platform.