Hi all, 

We are working on a new terminal to an airport, and are wondering if the connector to another terminal should be included in the project boundary. The almost-LEED terminal has a clear site boundary determined by the addresses and packages for city plan check, except that it includes the connector. The connector is a little corridor that does not support operations of this terminal, and the new terminal is not directly associated with the connector because the connector is designated for access to the old terminal.
We would remove the connector from our project boundary - because the v2009 reference guide specifies that the boundary may be a portion of the development as determined by the project team if the excluding portion is not submitted for LEED certification - except that the corridor is served by the new terminal's mechanical system.

Ultimately, would we have to include this corridor into our new terminal's project boundary? It shares the same mechanical systems, except the corridor holds no association with, and no support operations for, the new terminal.

Thank you!