I've submitted this credit to USGBC and it was rejected. The reviewer stated that the design air speed values exceed 40 fpm and therefore do not meet ASHRAE 55-2004 (I have a range from 50 - 70 fpm). However, i've used two tools that show the scenarios do comply. Climate Consultant 5.0 and the Berkely tool referenced on this site. Air temp of 75F, Mean radiant temp of 85F (large single pane historic windows), air speed of 70 fpm, Humidity of 50%, MET of 1.1, and 0.57 clo. What am i missing? The Climate Consultant graph is hard to follow (this is the one I submitted), perhaps if I submit the Berkely tool it will be more clear to the reviewer? I had a narrative explaining all the values I used as well. Any help is appreciated.