Project has earned 51 points( NC 2009) and includes an award of 2 points for EAc1 Optimize Energy. Project is at D&C Construction Final Review Decision milestone.
We intend to Appeal EAc1 and believe we can document 11 points( 32%) by addressing issues raised by reviewer. The project goal is Gold needing 60 points. So if Appeal is successful we would have 62 points and achieve LEED Gold. Now the question: As a hedge can we add EAc6 Green Power( 2 points) AFTER learning results of Appeal or must we submit a separate appeal simultaneously to add EAc6?
David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1981 thumbs up
February 21, 2020 - 7:55 pm
Yes, I believe you can wait to see whether your appeal for EAc1 is accepted and then decide if you want to submit a separate appeal to pursue EAc6. The Certification Policy Manual is a good place to investigate these kinds of questions. Search for "LEED Certification Policy Manual USGBC" and see Section 14 Appeals Policy:
14.1 "...At the first level of appeal, project teams may either choose to amend or supplement the LEED certification application with regards to any particular MPR, prerequisite and/or credit and resubmit..."
"Please be aware that the appeals process is only available up and until the project team accepts GBCI’s final determination regarding the award or denial of LEED certification. The opportunity to appeal the results of a final review, or the results of a previous appeal, is only available for twenty-five (25) business days after the results of the final review or appeal are published. Each appeal can only apply to a single MPR, prerequisite or credit; however, multiple appeals can be submitted simultaneously."
"14.2.1 Clarifications or Submission of New Credits via First Level Appeal: The appeals process may be used as a mechanism for submitting clarifications and/or new documentation to support the application materials related to any particular MPR, prerequisite or credit. In addition, project teams can elect to pursue additional credits and/or compliance paths that were not previously submitted for review."
The last sentence is the most relevant, indicating yes, you can submit an appeal for a credit not pursued before, and since it says "multiple appeals *can* be submitted simultaneously" and not "must be submitted simultaneously" it looks like you'd be fine to wait for the result of EAc1 as long as you appeal for Green Power within 25 business days of getting the response to EAc1 appeal.