Hi everybody,
I've got two questions regarding the pilot credit "No Cooling Tower" which is an alternative compliance path to the LEED v4 credits Cooling tower water use (BD+C).
If I read the credit requirements under the credit library, the first bullet point is confusing me:
Projects without Cooling Towers or Evaporative Condensers (Headline)
Projects may earn full credit if all conditions are met:
- the baseline system designated for the building using ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G Table G3.1.1 includes a cooling tower (systems 7 & 8)
- the project design case does not include a cooling tower
- ......
- ......
I don't understand the following part at the end of the first bullet point: "includes a cooling tower".
Therefor my question is: Why should the building system have a cooling tower included? As I understand the pilot credit "No Cooling Tower", this credit can only be applied to projects without a cooling tower. Otherwise I might misunderstand the credit intent or do not read the first bullet point correctly.
To my project: Based on the floor area, which is more the 14,000 sqm, the project falls within the systems 7 and 8. The heat will be generated by a condensing gas boiler plus heat pumps. The building will be cooled by a closed cooling circuit which is filled with water. The building does not have a cooling tower and will be designed in accordance with System 7 (ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Appendix G Table G3.1.1). My question to the designated baseline system: Are the credit requirements fulfilled if my project complies EITHER with System 7 OR with System 8, or does the project has to comply with System 7 AND 8?
Thanks in advance for your answers and help.
Best regards
Erkki Seinre
Sustainability consultantBuildingLabel OÜ
2 thumbs up
August 6, 2020 - 9:13 am
Concerning the part 1 of the question refers to ASHRAE 90.1 and Cooling type: Chilled water (which by default is expeted to be prepared by Cooling Tower). Thus, if based on 90.1 your building should have system 7 or 8 (with Cooling tower) your baseline building (refer to Optimized Energy Performance credit) has it and designed does not, you comply with the requirements.
Concerning the 2) part I am sure it considers EITHER, thus whether system #7 or #8.
FAQ (https://leeduser.buildinggreen.com/forum/acp-no-cooling-tower-core-shell-v4) also confirms my understanding of the interpretation.