Shall we include gowning room for cleanroom project in VRP in IEQp1? 

That project is a building with cleanrooms. A gowning room is a place for workers to wear clean room suits before entering clean room and change to normal clothes after leave clean rooms. The clean room suits would cover workers' body from top to toe so it would take about 5-10 minutes to be worn and taken off. The clean room administrators consider gowning room is a change room/locker room because workers just take off coats, store coats in designated lockers, and put on clean room suits and move to cleanroom area. Gowning room is not considered as occupiable area because people just just spend 5 to 10 minutes in that area so no outdoor air supply to gowning rooms is required.   

On the other hand, the locker room is provided cooling and hearing to ensure indoor thermal comfort. No exhaust fans are installed in gowning rooms because project owner think no one sweat in clean rooms. I wonder if LEED reviewer would require gowning room to be included in VRP? if yes, what would be Occupancy Category on Table 6.1 of ASHRAE 62.1?