I have an interesting situation. I am looking to model a 60 ton (720,000 Btu/hr) WSHP. The tables 6.8.1 in 90.1 do not identify the efficiency ratings for a WSHP in cooling or heating mode above 135,000 Btu/hr cooling capacity.
Since the units in question are much larger, what should I use for an efficiency rating?
Thank you,
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
September 17, 2018 - 11:17 am
If the 6.8.1 tables do not address your specific piece of equipment then you do not have to meet a mandatory provision for efficiency. None of the baseline systems include a watersource heat pump so the only efficiency you would need to model is the actual efficiency of the equipment included in the design. You could look ahead in newer versions of 90.1 to see if this situation has been addressed but you are not required to do so.