We have NC student's campus, with 1700 Residential units.
Credit language is as follows: For private offices, the entire square footage of the office may be counted if 75% or more of the area has a direct line of sight to perimeter vision glazing
Is a private residential unit for one student equal to a private office, for this purpose?
What about a unit for two students?
Jill Perry, PE
ConsultantJill Perry, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
440 thumbs up
May 5, 2011 - 8:05 pm
Hello Chen,
I think this may be a stretch, but would love to hear what happens if you try it. Are you having trouble meeting the credit otherwise?
I'm not sure why they give this exception to a private office, but my guess is that in general only one person is in a private office and they are usually not sitting right in the corner of the office that doesn't have a view. I can see however that a student might put their desk in their dorm room in a corner and this is even more likely with two students in a room.
If you're going to try to make the case I would address in detail your reasons for it and I wouldn't hang my hopes of getting a certain certification level on it.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Chen Shalita
B. Arch., LEED AP BD+CAlfa Sustainable Projects Limited
25 thumbs up
May 6, 2011 - 8:28 am
Thanks for your reply Jill,
we'll try to document our single rooms the same as single offices, since they'll be occupied by only one person and hope to achieve the required area.
Dana Murdoch
144 thumbs up
September 7, 2011 - 5:09 pm
Chen, any luck with this? We also have several single dorm rooms that we'd like to consider as single offices. Thanks!
Robert Andrews
Partner - Managing Director Boston OfficeAHA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
20 thumbs up
May 11, 2012 - 7:18 pm
I would also like to know what happened with this inquiry after review, please. I have a residential building with exactly this situation, in that if we include all the area of the rooms that exceed 75% views, we get the credit, but if we include just the compliant area with the view, we don't get the credit. Thanks!
Norma Lehman
PrincipalThe Beck Group
133 thumbs up
July 24, 2012 - 12:46 pm
Chen, did you achieve views counting single residential rooms as private offices? i would like to try this approach.