Hey all,

Please bear with me, as this question is complicated and takes into account a couple different documents/rating systems. I'm sincerely hoping that I am just missing something obvious, and one of you can simply point that out, and I can stop obsessing about this. This pertains to Heat Island Effect - Roof, Option 3 (BD+C SSc7.2, and ID+C SSc1 Path 5).

On page 119 of the 2009 BD+C Reference Guide, there is an equation listed to calculate the amount of compliant roof area for a building with a combination high-albedo/vegetated roof. It is listed as follows:

[(Area Roof Meeting Minimum SRI / .75) + (Area of Vegetated Roof / .5)] >= Total Roof Area

On page 6 of the ID+C Reference Guide, there is another equation listed for the same credit, in this case SSc1, Path 5, Option 3. That equation is listed as follows:

Total Roof Area